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Psicologia / Neuropsicologia / Psiquiatria
Annals of General Psychiatry (full-text - SpringerLink) Applied Neuropsychology VER Applied Neuropsychology Adult Applied Neuropsychology Adult (full-text) (RIO) Applied Neuropsychology Child (Full-text) (RIO) Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l' Enfant (BSB) (Assinatura cancelada em 2015) Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology (full-text) (BSB) Asian Journal of Psychiatry (full-text - ClinicalKey) Behavior Therapy (full-text - ClinicalKey) Biological Psychiatry (full-text - ClinicalKey) BioPsychoSocial Medicine (full-text - SpringerLink) BMC Psychiatry (full-text - SpringerLink) Brain Behavior and Immunity (full-text - ClinicalKey) Child Abuse & Neglect (full-text - ClinicalKey) Child and Adolescent Psychiatric clinics of North America (full-text - ClinicalKey) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (full-text - SpringerLink) Child Neuropsychology (full-text) Cognitive Neuropsychiatry (full-text) (SLZ) Comprehensive Psychiatry (full-text - ClinicalKey) Culture and Brain (full-text - SpringerLink) Developmental Neuropsychology (full-text) (BSB) European Neuropsychopharmacology (full-text - ClinicalKey) European Psychiatry (full-text - ClinialKey) European Review of Applied Psychology (full-text - ClinicalKey) Evolution and Human Behavior (full-text - ClinicalKey) General Hospital Psychiatry (full-text - ClinicalKey) Harm Reduction Journal (full-text - SpringerLink) International Journal of Mental Health Systems (full-text - SpringerLink) Journal of Affective Disorders (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of Anxiety Disorders (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology (full-text) (BSB) Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience (full-text) (BSB) Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of Psychiatric Research (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of Psychosomatic Research (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (full-text) (BSB) Mental Health and Physical Activity (full-text - ClinicalKey) Neuropsychiatrie de L’Enfance et de L’Adolescence (BSB) Neuropsychologia (full-text) (RIO) Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (full-text) Neuropsychology (nossa assinatura não inclui o acesso online) (FOR) Physiology and Behavior (full-text - ClinicalKey) Psychiatric Clinics of North America (full-text - ClinicalKey) Psychiatry Research (full-text - ClinicalKey) Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging (full-text - ClinicalKey) Psychology of Well-Being (full-text - SpringerLink) Psychoneuroendocrinology (full-text - ClinicalKey) Psychosomatics (full-text - ClinicalKey) Rehabilitation Psychology (BSB) Revista Brasileira de Neurologia e Psiquiatria (SSA) Revista de Psiquiatria Clínica (full-text free) (BSB)